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TC112: Request Support or Help From Others When Needed

    At Country Market, they are very good about working with our busy schedules.  Even if you do not ask for the days off that you want or something comes up unexpectedly we are given the opportunity to trade or pass off our shift to someone else who is willing to.  What we have to do is call around and find someone who is available the day your shift is supposed to be.  Then, if they agree to take your shift for you, both have to get it in writing, sign it, and turn it in to the manager.  It truly is a great system, and I would definitely have missed some important things for it.  
    My first week on the job was the week before prom so, not knowing how requesting days off worked, I did not ask for the day off and I accidentally got scheduled to work that day.  So taking the responsibility, I requested the help of one of my coworkers.  I called him up, explained my situation and he agreed to take my shift for me.  The day after we decided to trade shifts, we met up at the store and signed the piece of paper stating “Grace Beard agrees to take Maitlynn Mossolle’s shift from 11:30-4 on May 4th, 2013.”  If I was not able to request help from my fellow bagger, Grace, I would not have been able to go to prom and have had a fantastic time.  
    In Journalism, there are going to be some sticky situations that I will be put into.  If I get overwhelmed and don’t request help from others then I will sink and my job could be put into jeopardy.  Being a “people person” really does have it’s advantages in the professional sense because it will allow me to be able to ask for help when I need it.  I could potentially be totally stumped on what to write for an article, or confused on what the topic is supposed to be.  In that situation, I would need to be able to request help so that I can get my work done.  
    In my personal life, being able to ask for help when needed can actually be a great quality.  I tend to associate myself with people who are always there for me for support when I need it which has made it easy for me to be able to seek guidance from my piers.  I even have developed a better sense of how to ask help from adults as I am growing up and if I do not take the initiative to seek help, it will not come.  In college, there is not going to be someone right there walking me through every little step helping me whether I need it or not.  I am going to have to recognize my need to get help and be able to request it.  No matter where you are, having enough humility to ask for help is a very important quality to possess.  

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