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The ability to keep my grades up as an in-season athlete during golf

       I have played golf all four years of high school and managed to keep all of my good grades the entire season. This year, my senior year, was the first year I played on Varsity and was able to qualify for Academic All-Conference. It was definitely a rough season this year as there was a lot of drama and stress on the team and a lot of school is missed for Varsity golf matches. As it was my first year on varsity, I wasn’t very well prepared on how to handle the amount of school I was missing and I did end up falling behind.

       However, despite having a little dip in my grades for about a week or so, I worked diligently in the classes I was behind in and was able to pull up and maintain my grades. Because I made sacrifices and worked hard, I was able to keep my grades as high as they were and earned Academic All-Conference. Being so busy and allowing myself to fall behind really taught me a lot about time management and responsibility. I learned that if you miss school, it is not up to your teacher to get you what you missed and you actually have to take the initiative to get it done and time management is key. Even if I get out of practice late, I still need to make time or stay up a little later to get what I need to get done, done. Throughout the years on the golf team, I learned more about the sport of golf. However, this year, I learned a lot about people, life, and how to manage myself and time in order to succeed.

            Being able to keep up good work and good habits no matter how busy life gets is important for the future and my personal life. I’m going to need to be able to keep up my work, professionally as a Journalist as it is a busy, high-stress field. Having the skills to maintain composure is essential. In my personal life, it is important to not let other things interfere into what is important to me such as family, work, friends, etc. If not, I am not going to be enjoyable to be around and it will be hard for people to want to spend time with me either in the workplace or for more personal relationships. Being able to keep my grades up is something I am very proud of and being able to manage my time accordingly really makes me proud of myself.

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