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            During Psychology in my Junior Year we were learning about adolescents and body image. We were assigned a project to create a poster or propaganda to promote a positive body image. As one of my weaknesses is poor self-confidence and the fact that I have had body image issues in the past, it was something I was passionate about and determined to do a good job for. I made sure to set aside a night to do this project so that I would have enough time. I titled it “You Are Who You Are…Love It!” and filled it with pictures of people with self-confidence and quotes that spoke about being proud of yourself such as the famous Dr. Suess quote, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”

            The project not only was a way for me to get a good grade while promoting a good body image but it really made me follow my own advice in a way. It changed the way I look at people and myself. I feel that something like this will do nothing but benefit me in the future. In my personal life it will make me look at myself and be more proud of what I see and help others feel that way as well. In my professional life in the Journalism field, it will really help me to be confident and proud of my work as I was very proud of my work on the poster. It showed that I can truly convey a message and even believe in it myself.

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