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P109: Recognize a Need and Take Appropriate action

            This year, I am finally old enough and thought I did weigh enough to donate blood to the American Red Cross at our school blood drive.  I have always wanted to donate blood but never weighed enough to donate.  I had heard that the blood donations are running low and they need people to donate as much as possible so, recognizing the need for blood, and decided to try again this year.  I registered, signed in and everything. However, once I sat down with the American Red Cross woman and started to answer her questions, she said that I still did not meet the height to weight ratio requirements.  I was really disappointed that I could not donate because I really wanted to be of help to people who need blood, but I do understand that my safety comes first when there are tons of other people out there who can also donate.   

            In journalism, it will always be important to take the appropriate actions when something needs to be done.  There are many deadlines involved in journalism and if you do not recognize the publication’s need for your piece and you do not take the action needed to get that done, you mess everything up.  It really is a tough field, especially because sometimes you will get called in to write a story even when you are off the clock.  I will have to be able to recognize the fact that they need me and take the appropriate action in order to get the job done and get it done right. 

             In my personal life, I am going to have friends and family that need help and I will have to be able to take the right course of action in order to help them correctly.  I am a “people pleaser” type of person so I have never really had a problem recognizing when someone needs help; however, I know that people’s problems will only get more challenging as we grow older.  If you are always there to help people and recognize what they need, then they know they can count on you and they will respect you for that. 

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